Créez votre Click and Collect en 2 jours ! - : Agence Shopify

Create your Click and Collect in 2 days!

Deconfinement is looming, but many restrictions will continue for an undefined time. For VSEs and SMEs, this is a headache. How many people in the shop are allowed? How to manage the queue? How to manage the preparation of orders ...

The health of your employees:

The protection of your employees is very important. We must apply barrier gestures, and  try to reduce contact as much as possible. Credit card payments should be preferred, contactless is the best solution. Disinfect your checkout and payment terminal as often as possible.

Crowd management:

If your shop experiences peak hours, you will have to manage the queue, bring in a reduced number of customers, etc. Preparing orders can take up your time and thus cause you to lose turnover.

Why create an online store with Click and Collect:

Having an online presence will save you time , orders can be prepared without contact with customers, who drop by at a set time to pick up the order. Payment is dematerialized, which saves time, and again minimizes contact . Your catalog is online, your customers see all your products, and can take their time to choose them.

How much does it cost:

Shopify allows you to create a store instantly, to set it up you will need one or two days (depending on the number of references you are going to offer). Subscription to Shopify costs $29/month, but in these complicated times, the platform offers you 90 trial days (instead of the usual 14).

To this must be added transaction fees: 2.9% of all orders).

First solution: Contact us

We can set up your shop for you in record time from 1000€ , contact us!

Second solution: do it yourself

Create your shop by clicking HERE ,

Configure your payment solution, and follow these steps to activate "Pick up in store":

In settings click on delivery:

Then click Set Up Pickup

Choose a minimum order preparation time and the instructions given to the customer:

The customer can choose In-store pickup when checking out:

The customer will see the thank you page, and receive a confirmation email.

After payment the customer will see a thank you page, and will receive an email

In your back office, you can send an email when the order is ready to be picked up

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